Junior Honors Results 2015

Congratulations to the 34 students who made the MCPS Junior Honors Band, Jazz Band, and Orchestra.  15 made the junior band, 5 junior jazz, and 14 made junior orchestra.  Way to go!

NYC Trip Highlights!

The Advanced band, Orchestra, and Chorus 8 had a fantastic trip to NYC May 8 and 9.  The students enjoyed a few sight-seeing tours including the Madame Tussauds and Top of the Rock, as well as some unique dining experiences exclusive to NYC.

They were treated to performances of Matilda and Phantom of the Opera!  In between shows they had an amazing Broadway workshop with a few of the Broadway conductors.  The strings worked on a few scores with the conductor of Aladdin and the Band worked on  the Phantom score with the conductor who has done Phantom in Vegas and the National tour as well as a few nights per week in NYC.    After the session they met a cast member from both Matilda and Phantom and leanred some of the inside info on the show.

The trip created such a buzz that we are considering a return next year to do another workshop and see Aladdin along with another show.


Spring Trip Highlights 2014

Spring Trip Highlights 2014

The Adv Band & Orchestra traveled to Ohio to perform in the Music in the Parks Competition.   Both ensembles won their division and received the overall best band and orchestra awards scoring 399 out of 400 points. They were also awarded the Espirit de Corp Award.

The trip also included seeing Jersey Boys, a tour of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,  and a full day at Cedar Point